Bridge builder

If you ever believed this partnership between Shepherd of the Valley and Tungamalenga Parish is only about helping our Tanzanian friends, here's an interesting blog post by Peter Harrits.

Peter was one of ten travellers from SOTV who made the first trip to Tungamalenga in 2002. He was ordained last month, and a statement he wrote about his journey to ordination begins, "It was in the chapel in Tungamalenga, our companion congregation in the Iringa Diocese, in August of 2004, that my call to ministry was most forcefully and finally articulated."

"Kneeling there, at the communion rail, shoulder to shoulder with my brothers and sisters (Men and Women, Americans and Tanzanians, Maasai and Hehe), vocational yearnings were given concrete expression and the vision of being a bridge-builder -- connecting people of faith from different parts of the world -- was born."

When our friends in Tanzania heard of Peter's ordination, they rejoiced and offered prayers of blessings on his ministry.

Pastor Naftal wrote, "We are grateful for anything which is going on as a product of our friendship in Christ. We at Tungamalenga are very glad and pray that God will bless him in his ministry."

Peter's story is just the latest example of what our travelers say after every trip--that our lives, too, have been changed by this partnership and by the witness of our Tanzanian brothers and sisters. While the partnership does many tangible things, bringing chapels and bikes and educational opportunities and healthcare and economic development to the people of Tungamalenga, the most important thing it does is bring together people of faith. Our repeat visits strengthen our relationships and nurture ministries on both sides of the globe.

Thanks be to God for all such partnerships, and for all the bridge builders.


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