Feel at home
"Feel at home" is one of the phrases my Tanzanian friends use often when groups from Shepherd of the Valley visit them. Hospitality is truly one of the riches of Tanzanian culture. So now that they are here spending time in my home, I find myself saying it and wondering how I can help them feel more at home. There are small 'tells' as when Mama wants to help clear the dishes after dinner. My first impulse is to take the dishes from her and treat her like the honored guest she is, and then I realize it is good to do this simple thing together. [There's that bega kwa bega -- shoulder to shoulder --thing again.] I realized tonight that Mchungaji Naftal must be feeling a little more at home because we are both forgetting the camera and the impulse to take a picture of him with each person who greets him. Naftal and Anjelina have been with us now a week, and it hardly seems to have been more than a few days. When I travel to their country, especially with people ...