Christmas Greetings

Dear brothers and sisters,

I wish to share with us all

blessings from our Lord Jesus Christ

on the end of this year, 2011.

Wishing you a happy Christmas

and new year, 2012.


~~Pastor Naftal

We hope you are doing well.  We are doing well too.
Jenitha is on holidays and she has come to stay with me in Mbeya.
While on holiday she weaves some cloths for people who have ordered.
I am happy being with her this December.

We pray for you.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,

~~Mfaume & Jenitha (newlyweds whose jobs keep them living in different parts of the country)

Bwana Yesu Asifiwe!

I am doing well, the school is going on well, though it is tough. We did two tests and one term paper, and then on Tuesday we will have a test.  I like them.

I will have a break on December 12, I am thinking of going to Iringa.  I hope to see Bibi Joan.

How things going over you there?

Blessings Mama,
Son John  (an SOTV sponsored student in a masters program)

My friend,

It has been a long time since we met and heard from each other. I believe and pray that you are doing well. I am still doing fine, still at the university, a lot is going on here.

I hope to hear from you and prayerfully be updated on what is happening in the bega kwa bega world.

Greet all for me.  Advent greetings,

your friend,


Finally, we've received updates and Christmas greetings from SOTV members Joan and Richard Dornfeld, living in Iringa and teaching at Tumaini University.  They will visit Tungamalenga for Christmas weekend, and will worship at Mahove village.  Richard will play the part of Father Christmas.  He's having a suit sewn for the occasion and will distribute candy and other small gifts.

Here in Minnesota, we fold all these brothers and sisters in our hearts and in our prayers. 

For Joan and Richard, so far from home and family, experiencing so many wonderful new adventures, with gratitude that you are Shepherd of the Valley's ambassadors to the people of Tungamalenga Parish at this time when we celebrate with awe the God with us,

For Pastor Naftal, Pastor Paulo, Pastor Kareem and for all the lay evangelists who serve and lead the twenty congregations that comprise Tungamalenga Parish,

For Mfaume and Jenitha, experiencing their first Christmas as a family, and for all families in Tungamalenga Parish, with the hope that they may celebrate together,

For Barnabas and his father who is receiving medical treatment in Dar, we pray for healing and for the healers,

For John and the many students and teachers who study hard and who are committed to using their gift of education to make things better for their whole community,

For the people of Mahove village, who will see the promise of water delivered to their village in the coming year,

For all our brothers and sisters in Christ in Tanzania, and for all those here in Minnesota who support this partnership with their prayers, presence and presents,

Lord in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.


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