Kuzunguka zunguka
Tungamalenga Partnership is teaming up with Shepherd of the Valley's Children's Ministry staff for another couple Tanzanian immersion experiences for kids.
Dr Saga and Dr Randy Hurley talk about malaria and the importance of sleeping under anti-malarial mosquito netting
Building on some hands-on experiences in Godzone last year and the year before, Vacation Bible School students will collect money to buy mosquito nets for children in Tungamalenga. Malaria is one of the top killers of children under age five. Malaria can be prevented by sleeping under mosquito netting that is treated with insecticide. A group of Shepherd of the Valley members traveling in July will take the funds raised by the VBS donations, purchase nets, and deliver them to the Tungamalenga Dispensary, to be distributed to pregnant moms and families with children under age five.
A second opportunity to experience Tanzanian life and culture more deeply is available to kids in grades 1-5 August 20-23. A mini camp called "Kuzunguka Zunguka" will run four mornings that week. "Kuzunguka zunguka" literally means 'walking around in circles' and is used light heartedly by our Tanzanian hosts when we visit, describing the kind of walking tour that we take around the village -- half purposeful, half meandering. The phrase has the connotation of taking care of business, but in a relaxed and unstressful sort of way.
The camp will focus on allowing children to immerse themselves in several aspects of Tanzanian daily life. They will set up homes for their familes, eat some Tanzanian foods, experience bartering for goods and carrying water, and learn some Swahili and tribal greetings and phrases.
Most importantly, the children will experience the paradox of hardship and blessing that we see so often among our partners. Yes, there is poverty, and yes, there is sharing. Yes, there is hard and difficult work, and yes, there is a community who joins in to share the labor. Yes, there are orphans, and yes, there are extended families who lovingly take children into their homes. Yes, there is hardship, and yes, there are abundant blessings.
Do you know a child who wants to join the fun? Sign up here for Vacation Bible School.
It's going to be a fun summer! Twende! [Let's go!]
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