$1000 for mosquito nets!

Shepherd of the Valley's 3 year olds through fifth graders are learning a little about malaria this summer as they attend Vacation Bible School.  They're finding out that the mosquito is one of the most deadly creatures on earth because it can carry malaria, which is one of the leading causes of illness and death for children under age five in parts of the world.

Tungamalenga, Tanzania is one of those places in the world.

So our VBS kids are collecting coins to send with SOTV travelers at the end of July.  Our travelers will purchase several hundred mosquito nets treated with a mosquito killing insecticide.  The nets will be delivered to the Tungamalenga Dispensary, where Doctor Barnabas and his staff will distribute them to pregnant moms and to families with children under age five.

These are life-saving gifts!

Thanks to Mim Campbell, Jeanne Mikulski, & the Children's Ministry staff for their enthusiastic partnership! 

Thanks to kids and families who have already contributed almost $1000 for nets!


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