Orphans, mercy and a Christmas wish

Suzanna, age 8

One of our favorite places to visit while in Iringa is Huruma Center, the orphanage owned by the Iringa Diocese.  Huruma means mercy.

Right now there are about 34 kids at the center, with another 28 who live outside the center while attending schools.  Kids can come and go from this place -- some are dropped off or found living on the streets when parents or family cannot care for them, others leave the center when staff are able to locate other relatives willing to take them into their own homes.

Shepherd of the Valley provides gifts to the center when we visit and at Christmas time.  I asked Mama Chilewa what the children need this Christmas and she immediately said, "a new set of clothing for each would be nice."  She explained that the children make do with hand me downs most of the year, but at Christmas she would like them to have something new.

Can we make this happen, SOTV?  Sure we can.  Our Christmas gift funds for the center come from the Christmas Gift Giving program at Shepherd of the Valley.  The one downside is that donations come into that fund through December 31st, and traditionally we haven't sent our "Christmas gift" until February.  So this year we will have to do some planning in order to wire the funds by mid November so that they are available for gifts in time for Christmas.

Here are some of the beautiful children of God being cared for at Huruma.

Jacob, age 12

Asnath, age 7

Doris, age 7

Moses, age 6

Joshua, age 15

Shepherd of the Valley also provides scholarship support for 18 Huruma Center secondary school students.  Some live at boarding schools, others stay at the Center and attend nearby day schools.  This trip, we met seven of those students.  Photos will be added on the Students page.

Please continue to keep the children and staff of Huruma Center in your prayers.

God bless them as they grow.


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