
When we Minnesotans decide to travel to Tanzania, we have a long list of things to do to prepare. Often our first step is to apply for a passport if we don't have one already, and closer to our travel dates, we have to obtain visas from the Tanzanian embassy. It's a fairly simple process of filling out the paperwork, paying the fee, mailing in our passports and waiting for them to come back with the appropriate stamp. The process is not quite so simple for our friends in Iringa who plan to visit us here in Minnesota. Not many Tanzanians have a passport, and some even need to obtain an official birth certificate before they can begin that process. Then there's a lengthy online application form, a fee that must be paid by credit card (90% of Tanzanians have never even had a bank account), and an interview at the US Embassy. A pretty daunting process. But we started the process this week for our three friends who plan to visit Shepherd of the Valley next fall....