It's 5 PM on Thursday, July 31 and I am in Iringa after a wonderful and full week in Tungamalenga and Makifu Parishes. I arrived in town about 2 PM and the first group of SOTV travelers will arrive here between 7 and 8 PM. For the first time ever, by next week I will be able to say I have visited every village congregation or preaching point in one year. Both Tungamalenga and Makifu now have 8 preaching points each. Here's where I've been.... Tungamalenga Namelok Idodi Mpalapande Mapogoro Kisilwa Ikwavila Mahuninga Makifu Malunde Isanga Makambalala Mahove Kitisi Kibaoni ....I've been everywhere except Msembe, which I will visit next week when we go to the game park. There have been wonderful visits, productive meetings, many new friends and renewing friendships with many old and dear friends. As always, one of the saddest parts of the visit is learning who is no longer with us. In April, Jacob Ngulo died. He was an ...