A long term plan for healthcare
During our recent visit, several of our travelers took time to have a long conversation with Dr. Barnabas Kahwage, asking how SOTV can support a long term plan for healthcare in Tungamalenga. SOTV members, you may be hearing about this plan as you attend one of the congregational dialogues for our 2015 Capital Campaign over the next few weeks. We have a unique opportunity to make a difference in our upcoming capital campaign, which includes proposals for projects onsite and projects that reach out to trusted partners locally and globally. In 2007, a similar capital campaign included $60,000 to fund a new ward at the Tungamalenga Dispensary, an investment in healthcare for our partners that benefitted a whole community. Here's a bit of our history of our partnership's healthcare ministry, and the details on the plans to come. This is the original dispensary as we found it in 2002, four rooms that included an examining room/office, a storage room for medicines and m...