Gifts for our partners
stained glass cross necklaces
Aren't these lovely? This morning after worship Gene Oberlie delivered 23 stained glass cross necklaces, beautiful gifts that our July travelers will carry to Tanzania. They will be gifts for pastors and evangelists in our partner congregations.
Thank you, Gene, for using your skill to make these beautiful gifts!
We'll be packing a few other items to share with our partners as well. There are hand towels for the people who prepare our meals, some infant supplies for the day care at Huruma Center, a few bags of candy to share. Tim Schafer is making a wooden cross for the altar at Usolanga.
In addition to the gifts we carry, we hope to have funds to purchase some gifts in country. Bicycles for the evangelists, rice and corn for the orphanage, and medicines for the clinic are items best purchased in country.
Your contributions toward these gifts are greatly appreciated! Give online or write a check payable to SOTV with "TZ trip gifts" in the memo line. Asante sana!
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