Funding scholarships and education

Since 2001, Shepherd of the Valley has provided scholarship support for Tanzanian students who would not otherwise have the opportunity to attend secondary school or college. One of the great joys of this partnership is meeting students who have put that opportunity to good use, growing in skills and confidence, preparing for lives of service in their communities.
·        Shubi, a young woman from the Maasai tribe and the village of Isanga, was the first girl in her family to attend school. She did well in primary school, graduated at the top of her class in secondary school, and started college in October, attending the University of Iringa. Her pastor congratulated her and her mother, saying, “It is so hard for the Maasai to send girls to school, but you see she is confident and will go far.”
·        Mfaume graduated from college several years ago and now works in Mbeya as a community development officer. During our visit, his home congregation proudly announced that he had contributed two thirds of the metal sheets required to roof their new chapel. What a gift!
Each fall, we gather contributions to fund scholarships and educational projects with our partners in the Iringa Diocese. The largest portion of these gifts provide individual scholarships to students in  Makifu, Tungamalenga, and Usolanga Parishes. In addition, we support educational projects that improve educational opportunities for a wider group of students.
·        The Tanzanian church is growing so rapidly that there are now 35 congregations in the Iringa Diocese that have no St. Paul Area Synod partner. To provide their students with access to scholarship funds, SOTV contributes to the Bega Kwa Bega Scholarship Equity Fund.
·        Diocese schools want to improve their infrastructure. Last year, we contributed to the construction of science laboratory classrooms at Lutangilo Secondary School. Students will finally have the opportunity to learn through hands on experience rather than just by reading about science experiments.
·        Diocese teachers want to improve their instructional techniques. We provide funds to support teacher training workshops that help them improve outcomes by actively engaging students, rather than just teaching through lectures.
Thank you for your gifts to the SOTV Tanzania Scholarship & Education Fund. A secondary scholarship, including tuition, room and board, costs an average of $400 per year. College fees range from $1000 - $5000 depending on the institution and degree program. You can contribute online at or write a check to SOTV with “TZ Scholarship” in the memo line.


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