Here we are in the time of COVID and there's no travel to Tanzania, but we still held a partnership meeting with our friends from Tungamalenga on Tuesday via Zoom. Our Tanzanian friends traveled by bus from Tungamalenga to Iringa where they were hosted at the Bega Kwa Bega office by Deacon April Trout and Pastor Lusungu Msigwa. We began the meeting at 2 PM Iringa time, 6 AM here in the Central time zone. Pastor Randy rubs the sleep from his eyes (above). Attending the meeting from Tungamalenga were Pastor Rahai Mgeveke, Parish Treasurer Lukimbililo Mkuye, Partnership Committee Member Noeli Kalulu, and Pastor/Doctor Barnabas Kahwage. Attending from Shepherd of the Valley were members of the Partnership Steering Committee: Judy Anderson, Sharla Wagy, Tom Thompson, Christina Nissen, Mollie & Lyn MacLean, Brenda Krueger, Kirsten Levorson, and Pastor Randy Brandt. The big news of the day was that Tungamalenga Parish has again grown so much that a new parish has been created f...