Praise God from whom all blessings flow

Luke & Micah add their coins to the Maji Money collection

Week Three of Shepherd of the Valley's Vacation Bible School is complete, and the count is in: this week, children in grades Kindergarten through five collected an additional $777.97 in coins to support the Walk for Water to bring water to the village of Mahove.

That brings the total collected by SOTV kids to over $3000!


Thanks to all the SOTV kids and VBS staff for their amazing gift of love to our partners in Tanzania! Thanks to Mim, Jill, Julie, Jeannie and Pastors for your leadership.

Walking for water in Tanzania is the daily task for many children. They are amazed and grateful that children in Apple Valley, Minnesota--half a world away--are thinking of them, praying for them, giving to support and help them.

Come to worship this weekend and bring your bucket and walking shoes! You, too, can participate in our Walk for Water!


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