
Showing posts from May, 2012

Kuzunguka zunguka

Tungamalenga Partnership is teaming up with Shepherd of the Valley's Children's Ministry staff for another couple Tanzanian immersion experiences for kids. Dr Saga and Dr Randy Hurley talk about malaria and the importance of sleeping under anti-malarial mosquito netting Building on some hands-on experiences in Godzone last year and the year before, Vacation Bible School students will collect money to buy mosquito nets for children in Tungamalenga.  Malaria is one of the top killers of children under age five.  Malaria can be prevented by sleeping under mosquito netting that is treated with insecticide.  A group of Shepherd of the Valley members traveling in July will take the funds raised by the VBS donations, purchase nets, and deliver them to the Tungamalenga Dispensary, to be distributed to pregnant moms and families with children under age five. A second opportunity to experience Tanzanian life and culture more deeply is available to kids in grades...

A sale of biblical proportions

Volunteers are setting up the Shepherd's Sale, Shepherd of the Valley's annual garage sale.  It's a huge sale, filling nearly every room in the building except the sanctuary!  What's the link between the sale and Tungamalenga Partnership?  All the proceeds from bike sales will then purchase bikes for evangelists in our partner congregation.  The bikes enable Tungamalenga church workers to travel from village to village to minister to their congregants.  Last year sales enabled us to purchase six Tanzanian bikes at about $100 each! Evangelists Shakura and George are thrilled to have a new, roadworthy bike. The Shepherd's Sale supports Tungamalenga Partnership in another way, too.  Each year organizers ask us whether there are items we can use as gifts, and the workers are kind enough to collect those items prior to the sale.  Because of this generous opportunity, we have collected hundreds of SOTV t-shirts that are given to ...