A wedding, water, and a dozen village visits

Pastor Naftal wrote to us the other day, letting us know our itinerary for the eight days we will spend in and around Tungamalenga at the end of the month.  Here's what it looks like:

28/07. Arrive at Tungamalenga. Participate in Daima's wedding ceremonies.
Daime Ngwale is a former secondary and university student sponsored by Shepherd of the Valley. Attending his wedding will be a huge honor for our traveling group.

29/07. Sunday service (SOTV greetings and songs). Lunch. Namelok preaching point visit.

30/07. Partnership meeting(sunset camp site). Lunch. Tungamalenga dispensary
visit. Tungamalenga primary school visit.
This will be an intense morning.  Our recent partnership meetings have been four hour long affairs. There are so many needs and plans in our parish, and this is the opportunity to discuss in detail.

31/07. Idodi preaching point visit. Idodi secondary school visit. Lunch. Mpalapande preaching point visit.
75% of our secondary school students attend Idodi.  We will have the opportunity to deliver letters from the sponsors and ask students to write letters in return.  We'll also be discussing with school staff what infrastructure, equipment or supply needs they may have that would benefit the school as a whole.

Mapogoro preaching point visit.
01/08.(Sharon and Judy to Ruaha National park). Makambalala preacing point visit. Isanga preaching point visit. Malunde preaching point visit. Lunch. Kisilwa preaching point visit. Misufi preaching point visit.
While some of our travelers experience the awesome safari to a national park, others will visit several of the most remote villages in the parish.

02/08.  Ikwavila preaching point visit.  Mahove Seminar(water committee).
Staff members of St Paul Partners will come out from Iringa to guide our discussions about future maintenance and sustainability of the Mahove water project.  We welcome the expertise of Matthew and Heute as we discuss how to maximize the investment in this project.

03/08. Mahove seminar (all water users, all congregants).
Matthew and Heute will conduct seminars in water hygiene for all villagers.  One of the key points is that water that is piped in to the village of Mahove still requires boiling for purification before it is safe to drink.

04/08.Dedication and handing over the project. (Bishop Dr. O. M. Mdegella)
This will be a day of celebration.  Dedication of any project in Tanzania is an occasion for singing, dancing, prayers of thanks, speeches, and a feast. Oh, what a day this will be!

04/08. Sunday service and farewell.
Our experience with farewells in Tanzania is that they are somewhat like those in Minnesota -- we say goodbye, and then walk slowly to the vehicle, and say good bye, and say good bye, and say good bye again.  Joyous times of accounting for the agreements we have made, making public the decisions we have set forth, publicly announcing the goals we have set for one another in the coming year.  Looking forward with hope, looking back with satisfaction and great gratitude.  And then holding hands until we must let go, trusting one another to do the work we have each agreed to do until we meet again.


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