The indestructible soccer ball

Soccer is a favorite sport for our Tanzanian partners.
This young man made his soccer ball from rags, plastic bags, and twine.  It's a solid, heavy thing to kick around, a little smaller than regulation, but hey, it's better than sitting on the sidelines with nothing to do.
Our travelers usually take at least a dozen soccer balls when we visit Tungamalenga, to give to the children at each village congregation.  They are one of the most popular gifts we carry.
But the terrain is not kind to our inflatable soccer balls.  They puncture easily and deflate.
We've found a source for INDESTRUCTIBLE soccer balls and we'd like to invite you to help us buy some to carry with us in August.
The soccer balls are produced by a company called One World Futbol and cost about $20.  We invite you to go to their website to learn more about what they do and how the ball came to be.  You can purchase a ball online and bring it to church, or you can make a donation to SOTV and we'll purchase the balls.  We're packing our gift suitcases July 22, so start ordering futbols now.
Asante sana! 


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