Day eight: Planning Godzone

"Today was an easier day," John said at noon.

We started things off by meeting Jennifer Maxwell at Shepherd of the Valley to learn about human resources issues at the church.  Jennifer shared an org chart listing all the employees and also some information about the number of volunteers needed in each ministry area.  John had questions about how we go about recruiting, interviewing and hiring staff.

Next was a 90 minute planning meeting with the Children's Ministry staff.  On Sunday and next Wednesday, John will be part of the team presenting Rafiki kwa Rafiki [Friend to Friend] in our children's classes.  Pastor John and Pastor Diane will lead the large group session, and then children will move to two rotation stations -- one highlighting the Hehe customs and the other showcasing Maasai customs and living conditions.

A big part of the presentation will be celebrating the children's contributions to our partnership projects over the past few years.  Children at SOTV contributed 10% of the total costs for the Mahove water project.  Over the past two years, they collected $2000 for the mosquito nets provided to children in Tanzania.  And this year, they have collected almost $3500 for a motorcycle for Pastor Madembo and the new Makifu Parish.  Asante sana, children!

The children and youth staff served a delicious lunch and we had the opportunity to share stories of how children and youth ministry works in Tanzania.

In both countries, we depend on our faithful volunteers!

John told the story of having to defend his thesis on short notice the day before he left for the United States.

Then the preschool Halloween parade came by!

We were home by 2 PM only to find that my dog had taken a tumble down the stairs and was moving very gingerly.  So we took a quick trip to the vet and learned that it was probably a strained tendon in his shoulder.  Rest and pain meds were prescribed.  John watched all of this very quietly and intently. 

"If you take so much care when the animal suffers, how do you take care when a human being suffers?"

John took a nap and began to pack his things for the next leg of his journey. Then my parents arrived and conversation continued until more dinner guests arrived.  My mother thanked John profusely for the many times he has accompanied me on the public bus from Iringa to Dar or Dar to Iringa.

We had a few Halloween trick or treaters before our guests arrived for dinner. It was another wonderful mix of people and great conversations.  Marsha Brandt was given all kinds of good advice as she anticipates her first trip to Tanzania next summer.

Tomorrow we get up early to be at church by 6:30 AM for Men's Bible Study.  Then we'll stay for Pastor Mary's study on Ezekiel.  Lunch is the Scandinavian lutefisk and lefse meal, and then John will be moving to MacLeans for the next few days.  Dinner is with Sponheims and other guests.

What a great first week it has been with John!


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