Day Ten: Confirmation Again and Iringa Hope

John is going to learn to cook while he stays at Mollie and Lyn's home.  He made an omelette for breakfast.

All ready for Confirmation, round two. Two more services, 80 more confirmands.

Today John is wearing a Maasai cross.

John met Pastor Duane's son, Brandon, and Duane's brother, whose granddaughter was confirmed.

Congratuations, confirmands.

Congratulations, Rachel, who will be traveling to Tanzania with SOTV in August, 2014.

After confirmation services, John and MacLeans and Dornfelds worked with children's ministry staff to set up rooms where kids will experience Hehe and Maasai culture on Sunday morning.

John worshiped at 5 PM with MacLeans and then was off to Lakeville for a fundraiser for Iringa Hope, the microfinance organization.  Another very full day!

Tomorrow:  Pastor John and Pastor Diane are leading Godzone (SOTV's version of Sunday School or children's ministry, where the theme is "Faith Under Construction") large group, while Dornfelds and MacLeans will be in rooms where kids will experience Hehe and Maasai culture and customs; after three hours and hundreds of kids, John will have dinner at the Odland's home; in the evening there is a Tanzanian Dinner at church. Karibuni sana!


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